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Incorporating office sporting event or sports team into the workplace is an excellent way to break up the monotony of the 9-to-5 workday grind and help employees who may not have time to exercise outside the work. 

At ZIRA we recognize the importance of a healthy work-life balance and have made sports an essential part of our office program.

Sports offer a blend of values that reflect on our day-to-day life, providing a platform to practice discipline and maintain strong bonding with colleagues. Participating in sports pushes employees out of their comfort zone, creating an element of fun that blends well with work-related pressure. Friendly competition teaches the value of discipline, tolerance, and cooperation, promoting team-building opportunities and boosting employee engagement.

The friendly rivalry in sports encourages employees to understand the value of leadership and helps to improve adaptability, which is essential for team coordination.Active involvment in sporting activities promotes optimum health goals,hysical exercise, burns extra calories, and helps to regulate blood circulation, saving employers from investing extra dollars in their employees’ health.

Sports and an active lifestyle have been a major part of our culture for a looong time now. As part of ZIRA sports benefits, we offer our employees the opportunity to choose the activities they like or enjoy the most in our group workout sessions with the ZIRA team at Avalon Sports & Health Club.

#WeMakeITwork #IamZIRA #worklifebalance