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ZIRA Empowering the Future of ICT Students in BiH

ZIRA, a socially responsible company, on behalf of the Zijah Rašidagić Fund awards 20 annual scholarships to ICT (Information and Communication Technology) students at faculties across Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Mr. Zijah Rašidagić, the late founder of ZIRA, was a firm believer in the power of education to transform both individuals and society. ZIRA’s scholarship program is a testament to his legacy and our commitment to empowering young talents to achieve their full potential. By supporting our students and young talents in their pursuit of knowledge and excellence, we are not only helping them secure a prosperous future, but also creating a brighter future for BiH as a whole. We believe that the next generation of ICT professionals has the power to make a positive impact on our society, and we are proud to play a role in nurturing their growth and development.

Nulla dies sine linea!

View the results of the previous ZIRA scholarship program by clicking on the link below.